Abazia Santa Giustina


Abazia Santa Giustina

The Abbey of Santa Giustina was founded, according to local legend, by King Liutprando and dedicated to the eponymous martyr in 772. Enlarged in 1030 by the Marquis Otberto I, it was equipped with a monastery entrusted to …

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Abbazia di San Maurizio


Abbazia di San Maurizio

Iniziata nel 1400 e realizzata in tardo stile gotico. La facciata è in mattoni, a frontone poco pronunciato, scandita dai quattro contrafforti. Sulla semplice facciata spiccano il protiro, il rosone e le due monofore …

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Abbazia di Santa Maria


Abbazia di Santa Maria

The complex of Rivalta Scrivia was built between 1180 and the mid-13th century and named after Holy Mary. The layout and elevation of the monastery comply with the dictates of the Cistercian rule, sanctioned by San Bernardo, …

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Basilica di San Pietro

Acqui Terme

Basilica di San Pietro

Saint Peter's Basilica is the old cathedral of Acqui Terme and one of the oldest in Italy. It was built within the boundary of an early Christian cemetery in the 4th century and rebuilt in Romanesque style in the first …

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Basilica e Sacro Monte di Crea

Serralunga di Crea

Basilica e Sacro Monte di Crea

The Sacro Monte (Sacred Mountain) of Crea comprises the Sanctuary, 23 chapels, 5 hermitages and stands on a place of ancient Marian worship. It was built between 1589 and 1612, with a further construction phase in the 1920s. …

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Basilica Santuario Madonna della Guardia


Basilica Santuario Madonna della Guardia

In 1893, Luigi Orione opened his first college for young boys in San Bernardino. Speaking to them about the future work he was already contemplating, pointing to the area he said, “A large shrine will rise here...”. …

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Cappella Bricherasio

Fubine Monferrato

Cappella Bricherasio

The funeral chapel of the Bricherasio Counts rises on the area once occupied by the Convent of the Capuchin Friars. The Chapel is in neo-Gothic style and was commissioned in 1864. In the crypt, the funeral monument of Emanuele …

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Cappella della Beata Vergine del Monserrato


Cappella della Beata Vergine del Monserrato

The Church or Chapel of Montserrat is one of the few testimonies of the Spanish domination of Alessandria, the only one which is still well-preserved in its original forms. The veneration refers to the important shrine of …

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Casa Natale di San Paolo della Croce


Casa Natale di San Paolo della Croce

The 17th century building, belonging to the Buffa Family, was declared a National Monument in 1918 and entrusted to the Passionists in 1926. The third floor is home to the Chapel which corresponds to the room were the Saint …

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Cattedrale dell'Assunta

Acqui Terme

Cattedrale dell'Assunta

The Cathedral of the Assumption stands in the old heart of the town and is reached from a picturesque Renaissance-style square of the late 15th century. Consecrated in 1067, numerous building work has modified the original …

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Cattedrale di San Pietro


Cattedrale di San Pietro

The Cathedral was built between 1875 and 1879 by Edoardo Arborio Mella replacing the old Romanesque cathedral which had been demolished by Napoleon I. The Neoclassical appearance of the exterior is highlighted on the left-hand …

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Cattedrale di Sant'Evasio

Casale Monferrato

Cattedrale di Sant'Evasio

Built between the 11th and 12th century, the Cathedral of Sant’Evasio was consecrated in 1107. The gabled façade is almost entirely the result of the radical reconstruction work carried out between 1859 and …

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Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta e San Lorenzo


Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta e San Lorenzo

Building work on the cathedral of Tortona started in 1574 and ended around the end of that century; the façade was finished at the end of the 1800s according to a design by Nicolò Bruno. Inside, the church …

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Chiesa Beata Vergine Addolorata

Vignale Monferrato

Chiesa Beata Vergine Addolorata

The church was built by the Serviti friars and is a national monument. The powerful 15th century facade in Gothic-Lombard style dates to 1400. It is in terracotta bricks, marked by four buttresses with pinnacle. A large …

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Chiesa dei Santi Pietro e Paolo

Castelnuovo Scrivia

Chiesa dei Santi Pietro e Paolo

The parish church of Saints Peter and Paul dates from the 12th century, was rebuilt between the 16th and the 17th century, and has undergone numerous restoration and revamping works, some of great importance. Originally, …

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