ACdB Museo - Alessandria Città delle Biciclette


ACdB Museo - Alessandria Città delle Biciclette

The museum Alessandria Città delle Biciclette (ACdB) is a tribute to the primary role which the city and the province of Alessandria played during the heroic age of cycling that embraces the early years of national …

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Area museale collegata al sito archeologico di Libarna

Serravalle Scrivia

Area museale collegata al sito archeologico di Libarna

This collection houses a selection of finds relating to ornamental and decorative items from public buildings and private housing from the Roman town of Libarna, thus providing a useful addition to the archaeological area. The …

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Atelier Sarina


Atelier Sarina

The Atelier, open to the public since 10 March 2018, gathers a selection of puppets and stage materials of the Sarina collection (belonging to Fondazione CRTortona) in its two exhibition rooms of Palazzo Guidobono. The Atelier …

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Casa Coppi

Castellania Coppi

Casa Coppi

Among all the sporting cycling heroes of the past, the name of Fausto Coppi is still a shining example for all cyclists and more. If you want to get to know about the life and times of the Campionissimo, it is possible …

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Casa-Museo di Enrico Colombotto Rosso


Casa-Museo di Enrico Colombotto Rosso

Artist’s house with important works and furnishings. Periodic openings from April to October. For info, visit the website indicated below.

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Collezione Civica


Collezione Civica "Mario Surbone"

The recently renovated rooms of Casa Devasini are home to fifty of the artist’s works, divided into four sections, to cover his entire artistic career starting from 1946. The house is situated in the centre of the …

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Collezione d'arte moderna di Villa Caffarena

Serravalle Scrivia

Collezione d'arte moderna di Villa Caffarena

The 19th century Villa Caffarena is home to the Serravalle Scrivia municipal art gallery, put together with the help of artists who have exhibited their work in the library over the years. The gallery, which has the privileged …

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Complesso monumentale di Santa Croce

Bosco Marengo

Complesso monumentale di Santa Croce

Santa Croce was commissioned by Pope Pius V Ghislieri (1504-1571) to honour his birthplace making it a religious centre for the promulgation of faith and Catholic doctrine. Some of the most renowned artists of the period …

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Deposito Museale Enrico Colombotto Rosso


Deposito Museale Enrico Colombotto Rosso

Some of the rooms in the town hall at Pontestura are home to a collection of works by Enrico Colombotto Rosso. This artist, born in Turin in 1925, is characterised by intense artistic work geared above all to creating museum-type …

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Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Alessandria


Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Alessandria

The Foundation pursues exclusively aims of social utility and the promotion of economic development by directing its activity within the sectors admitted under art. 1 paragraph 1, letter c. - bis of Legislative Decree n°. …

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Gipsoteca Giulio Monteverde


Gipsoteca Giulio Monteverde

The Plaster-cast gallery is open to visitors every Saturday, Sunday and public holiday from May to October from 10.30-12.30 and 15-18. Booking is required for other days and times of the year. Giulio Monteverde was born …

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Gipsoteca Luigi Aghemo


Gipsoteca Luigi Aghemo

The meeting which took place a few years ago between an enterprising art enthusiast and "Il Divisionismo" Picture Gallery of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Tortona, has led to the realization of the project of …

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I musei di Pellizza: lo Studio e il Museo didattico-Itinerario sui luoghi pellizziani in Volpedo


I musei di Pellizza: lo Studio e il Museo didattico-Itinerario sui luoghi pellizziani in Volpedo

The home town of Giuseppe Pellizza (1868 – 1907) pays homage to this painter through two museums which tell the story of his life and his work. The Museum of the Artist’s Studio next to the painter’s home, …

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Archaeological Museum Dertona Opening of the lapidarium, the Roman section and the archaeological garden. A journey through time, which takes visitors among the wonders and secrets of ancient Dertona with tangible evidence …

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Marengo Museum


Marengo Museum

On 14 June 1800, Napoleon Bonaparte wins one of his most important battles in Marengo, remembered also at the Arc de Triomphe of Paris. The Museum is at the centre of the battlefield, close to the village of Marengo, in …

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