Castello dei Paleologi e Museo Archeologico

Acqui Terme

Castello dei Paleologi e Museo Archeologico

The castle of the Paleologi (second half of the 15th century), historic residence of the Marquises of Monferrato, houses the Civic Archaeological Museum. This is one of the oldest buildings in the area and legend has it …

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Castello del Monferrato

Casale Monferrato

Castello del Monferrato

The Castle was built in 1352 and completed in 1357 at the behest of the Marquis Giovanni Il Paleologo. It was renovated in the second half of the 15th century, at the request of the Marquises Guglielmo VIII and Bonifacio …

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Castello di Camino


Castello di Camino

Private property. Camino started out as ancient Roman and later Germanic settlements. The castle rises in an important strategic location, dominating the hills of northern Monferrato and embraces the bank of the Po and …

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Castello di Casaleggio Boiro - Il castello dell' Innominato

Casaleggio Boiro

Castello di Casaleggio Boiro - Il castello dell' Innominato

The castle is in the extreme south-eastern corner of Piedmont, right next door to Liguria, and stands on on a hill. It is one of the oldest buildings in the Monferrato region and some experts date it as far back as the tenth …

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Castello di Cereseto


Castello di Cereseto

Private property. Built in the first decade of the 20th century, according to the eclectic style that comes from the studies of Viollet Le Duc and Italian architects D'Andrade and Nigra. It was built at the behest …

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Castello di Cremolino


Castello di Cremolino

Cremolino castle stands in a dominating position: situated on a rocky spur, it overlooks the village, and its massive 15th-century tower can be seen from afar, being at some 450m above sea level the highest castle in Southern …

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Castello di Gabiano


Castello di Gabiano

The considerable size of the Castle of Gabiano overlooks the River Po, in a stunning scenic position. As far back as the 8th century, the documents mention a “cortem magnam nominam Gabianam”. In 1164, Federico …

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Castello di Lajone


Castello di Lajone

The visitor will be accompanied on a tour of the Castle, among the frescoed rooms furnished with gilded tables, golden throne and crystal chandeliers, 19th century and 18th century paintings with religious themes and portraits. …

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Castello di Montaldeo


Castello di Montaldeo

Montaldeo, from the middle of the 10th century until the end of the 12th century, belonged to the San Marziano Abbey of Tortona, included in marca obertenga, and was under the jurisdiction of Gavi. The Genoese attacked and …

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Castello di Morbello (resti)


Castello di Morbello (resti)

Probably built to counter the Saracen raids, it belonged to the Aleramici and then, in the 12th century, to the Marchesi della Riva; a century later it became the possession of the Malaspina of Cremolino with the marriage …

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Castello di Morsasco


Castello di Morsasco

Access to the old village and the castle is through a gatehouse that was converted into a bell tower in the 17th century. The first records of the castle date back to 1224 when the Republic of Genoa bequeathed it to the …

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Castello di Murisengo


Castello di Murisengo

Private property Of the ancient castle, whose remote origins are unknown due to the loss of any document caused by looting and fires, only the crenellated tower remains, built in 1510. The current constructions date to …

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Castello di Orsara Bormida

Orsara Bormida

Castello di Orsara Bormida

The district of Orsara Bormida passed from owner to owner, first being the property of the Marquis of Bosco, then the Malaspina, then the church of Acqui and in the 1500s it passed to a noble family from Milan. This is a …

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Castello di Piovera

Alluvioni Piovera

Castello di Piovera

Piovera Castle was built over pre-existing medieval remains and owes much of its current appearance to the Visconti of Milan, who transformed it into a mighty fortress in 1300. The castle passed to the Spanish, the French …

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Castello di Pozzolo Formigaro

Pozzolo Formigaro

Castello di Pozzolo Formigaro

Pozzolo Formigaro was under imperial rule and the castle dates back to the 11th century although very little remains of the original structure, the current building having many features of the second half of the 15th century …

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