La Mellina honey is born from beehives scattered along the Ligurian-Piedmontese Apennines in an environment that is still wild. The product of the beehives is produced using the cold processing technique that includes the use of slow and natural filtration processes to preserve its beneficial effects and authenticity. In this way, wild cherry, apple, acacia, chestnut and millefiori honeys are obtained from wild flowers. La Mellina is also an educational farm where, by appointment, it is possible to visit the beehives and watch the processing activity. Worthy of note are the chestnuts, used for a beer with very particular organoleptic qualities.

Information and contacts

via XXV Aprile, 36/1 - 15061 Arquata Scrivia (AL)
Telephone: +39 (0143) 636.646
E-mail: mellinapi@inwind.it