A leap forward for this fish restaurant, in the outskirts of the town, or better in the Orti district, which is home to the airport. Anyone wanting to satisfy their desire for fish will find plenty of choice here. There is everything; from raw fish to the more prized pieces. The indoor setting is a simple room which fills quickly every evening; outside, there is a highly popular dining deck. Excellent selection of wines.

To start (€13), a good selection of raw starters: carpaccio of various fish (tuna, swordfish, amberjack, marrone, sea bass depending on the availability) or the classic octopus with Genoa-style potatoes rather than baby octopus stew with toasted bread. Try the sautéed mussels and pan-fried baby European squid. The first course includes (€13): fusilli with baby European squid, clams dried cherry tomatoes, half rigatoni with baby European flying squid (spicy), risotto del pilota and then two must-haves like the tagliolini with lobster, and linguine with seafood. On to the main courses (€20), the mix of local seafood is fragrant, the grilled fish fun, the caught fish (bream, sea bass, snapper, striped seabream, gurnard, John Dory, white seabream, pagellus, turbot, red seabream..) poached or in the oven Ligurian-style, fully satisfying with olives or artichokes, to the Catalan-style lobster. At the moment of the desserts (€6), a tasting of three types. Great professionals, good experience, the price is definitely worth it.

Information and contacts

viale milite ignoto, 15 - 15121 Alessandria (AL)
Telephone: +39 (0131) 222.201