Comune Acqui Terme

Founded by the Statielli tribe from Liguria, it was rebaptised Aquae Statiellae by the Romans in reference to those thermal waters which still gush out in the city centre. Later it became seat and episcopal centre of a vast area, so much that the medieval layout is well preserved in some districts, like that of Pisterna. The visit starts from the “Bollente”, the hot water spring (75°); in 1875, an engineer by the name of Ceruti built an aedicule shaped like a Greek temple around it. The other springs are found in Zona Bagni, home to the spa treatment facilities. Climbing up via Scatilazzi, you encounter the remains of the ancient Roman theatre that exploited the slope of the hill, and you reach the Castle of the Paleologi (15th century), historical residence of the Marquis of Monferrato. Home to the Archaeological Museum, it is surrounded by a garden with a lookout point that dominates Acqui and the surrounding hills. The other archaeological sites worth visiting are the Roman pool in Corso Bagni and the majestic arches of the aqueduct. The Cathedral dedicated to the Assumption was consecrated in 1067 by San Guido, bishop and patron of the city; the Romanesque structure is the subject of numerous interventions over the centuries, like in the facade, which shows an exquisite marble portal sculpted by the Master Antonio Pilacorte (1480). Inside, the Triptych of Our Lady of Montserrat (1480) by the Spanish painter Bartolomeo Bermejo, called Rubeus, deserves special attention. Just outside the town rises Villa Ottolenghi, artistic and architectural gem of the 20th century. Its garden was named the "most beautiful in Europe" in 2012. The cellars of Palazzo RobellinI are home to the Regional Wine Shop dedicated to the exquisite Brachetto d'Acqui DOCG.

Information and contacts

piazza Levi, 12 - 15011 Acqui Terme (AL)
Telephone: +39 (0144) 770.1
Fax: +39 (0144) 576.27
