
Un Natale d'oro a Valenza


Un Natale d'oro a Valenza



Events and appointments for the Christmas holidays in Valenza

For Christmas 2023, the Municipal Administration of Valenza has organised a rich programme of events.

The events get underway on FRIDAY 1 December at 6.30 pm in Piazza Gramsci with the lighting of the Christmas tree with the children of the town.

SUNDAY 3 December from 8 am to 7 pm in Piazza Gramsci food and wine, DIY and craft market: in the afternoon the Association of the gruppo Alpini will prepare mulled wine.

MONDAY 4 AND TUESDAY 5 December Festival Scarabocchio, organised by the Cultural Association Teatrodistinto. The festival includes six shows for children, teenagers and adults:
- 4/12: 9 pm “Kish Kush” at the Municipal Cultural Centre
- 5/12:
at 9:15 am “Labirinto” at the San Rocco Multi-functional Centre,
at 11 am “Il canto del coccodrillo” at Teatro Sociale, at 3 pm “La Rivincita” at the San Rocco Multi-functional Centre. Scarabocchio closes with a repeat performance of the show Solitarium at the Municipal Cultural Centre at 6:30 pm.

Admission to the shows, written and directed by Daniel Gol, is completely free of charge.

THURSDAY 7 December, at 4:30 pm at the Municipal Cultural Centre / Il Posto delle Storie, lighting of the Christmas Tree decorated with the decorations made by the children of the town. At 5:30 pm the ceremony will continue with the lighting of the large Christmas Parcel placed in Piazzetta Verdi.

From THURSDAY 7 TO SATURDAY 23 DECEMBER, children can deliver their letters to Santa Claus at the Municipal Cultural Centre. The children can put their letters into the dedicated red post box for the North Pole.

FROM FRIDAY 8 TO SUNDAY 10 DECEMBER, in Piazza Gramsci from 11 am to 6 pm, it will be the turn of "Microcirco", entertainment for all the family, with merry-go-round for children, tricycles, pedal horses, giant soap bubbles and lots more.

FRIDAY 8 DECEMBER entertainment will continue with street artists in Corso Garibaldi and end at the Municipal Cultural Centre where at 6 pm it will be possible to see the concert "La via della musica", curated by Artemusica with Matteo Bargioni (violin), Ivana Zincone (piano), Cesare Petrelli (drums), Michela Tartaglia (dancer and choreographer).

SATURDAY 9 December at 3 pm entertainment by the Italian Red Cross which, in Zona Piazzetta Verdi, will do face painting. In Corso Garibaldi from 5 pm, every 30 minutes, the shows Ago il Mago, Magic Circus and Lion the Juggler. At 9 pm, it will be the turn of "Accordi di Natale" concert at Teatro Sociale, curated by the Association Gaiamusica.

SUNDAY 10 December from 8 am to 7 pm the Christmas, food and wine, DIY and craft market is back in Corso Garibaldi.
In Piazza Gramsci the “Microcirco” will present the Show "Spizzichi di Microcirco" with comic sketches by the clowns Caramella and Charlotta.

FRIDAY 15 December at 9 pm at Teatro Sociale the Christmas show "The Joy Gospel Singers”, curated by the Italian Red Cross.

SATURDAY 16 December from 5 pm in the surroundings of Piazzetta Verdi and Corso Garibaldi it will be the turn of acrobat Paola Quistini with the "Acrobatic Christmas Show" and live music with electronic violin.

SUNDAY 17 December, fun from 11 am with "Giochi del cortile". Along Corso Garibaldi sixty ecological wooden games will be made available to play. Afternoon entertainment thanks to the participation of the Associations Avis, Croce Rossa and Pro Loco.

FRIDAY 22 December from 5 pm, festive atmosphere along the streets of the centre with "Vetrine animate" outside shops and Christmas themed flash mobs. The evening will be made even more special at 9 pm at the San Rocco Multi-functional Centre with the concert "La via della musica" curated by Artemusica, with Marco Zunino (trumpet) and Stefano Panelli (electronic instruments).

SATURDAY 23 December, with Christmas just around the corner, from 5 pm outside Teatro Sociale the show "Christmas vocal party - Instabilmente Natale" with vocal group "gli instabili".

The events of “Un Natale d’oro a Valenza” will end on SATURDAY 6 January from 3.30 pm with "Aspettando la Befana”, entertainment along the streets of the centre.

The Christmas events will be organised by the Municipal Administration in association with ASCOM, PROCOM, Associazione Culturale TeatroDistinto, Associazione Gaiamusica, Associazione Gruppo Alpini, AVIS, Croce Rossa Italiana, Pro Loco, Associazione Artemusica, Angelica Lapadula, Compagnia di Spettacolo “Microcirco”, Società Cooperativa C.M.C., Ferrari Eventi and thanks to the precious contribution of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Alessandria, Fondazione Mani Intelligenti, Bulgari, Ivierre, Plus Valenza and Gioielli di Valenza.
A heartfelt thanks to traders with their trade Associations for their support.

Information and contacts
