Marengo Museum - Villa Delavo
from 01 June 2023 to 12 October 2024
On 14th June 1800, Napoleon Bonaparte wins one of his most important battles in Marengo, remembered also at the Arc de Triomphe of Paris. The Museum is at the centre of the battlefield, close to the village of Marengo, in a Villa built in 1847 as a monument to the Emperor. The mural paintings on the ceilings represent important moments and places of Napoleon's life.
The story of the battle is experienced through videos, maps, graphic works, display cases with weapons and objects, mannequins in vintage uniforms and films.
From 14 June to 18 August 2024 the Museum of Marengo will put on show original works by the great comic artist and illustrator Guido Crepax from Milan.. On this occasion, the exhibit is the wargame LA BATTAGLIA DI MARENGO, with the field of the board game from the late 1950s / early 1960s, painted by hand with corresponding armies composed of approximately 200 cardboard cut-out soldiers, painted by hand and used as pawns.
Biglietto: 5 € intero, 3 € ridotto.
Orari di apertura: sabato e domenica, con orario 15.00-19.00.
Il Museo rimane aperto negli stessi giorni e orari anche nel mese di agosto 2024. Apertura straordinaria a Ferragosto (15 agosto 2024) con orario 15-19.
In altri giorni ed orari su prenotazione per visite di gruppi e/o scuole.
Information and contacts
via Delavo, Spinetta Marengo Marengo Museum - Alessandria
Telephone: +39 348 989.9919