Comune Alfiano Natta

Documented since the second half of the ninth century, the parish Church of San Marziano stands in a scenic position on the border between the provinces of Alessandria and Asti. Rebuilt after the lootings of the 17th century, it is where the young cleric Giovanni Bosco gave his first homily. The hamlet of Casarello is home to the Castle of Razzano, a noble residence recognizable by its crenellated tower; "Museo ArteVino Razzano" is housed in the cellars.

Big Bench n°. 148 has been located in a scenic position.

In the photo big bench of Alfiano Natta ph. courtesy of the Muncipality.

Information and contacts

via Stazione - 15021 Alfiano Natta (AL)
Telephone: +39 (0141) 922.123
Fax: +39 (0141) 922.272
