

Pictures (2)


from 01 November 2023 to 14 March 2025

The Art rooms present a collection of works that share a link with the town of Alessandria, its territory, its people and the historical and cultural moments that have left their

There are several sections. The first, "Le Stanze di Artù e l'immagine del Medioevo alessandrino”, displays the interesting frescoes dating from the late 14th century, inspired by the famous Breton cycle and come from Cascina Torre in Frugarolo. The route, which from the entrance leads to the frescoes, offers a reconstruction of medieval life in Alessandria through a series of panels that highlight the architectural traces and painters of the town close to its foundation.

The Art Rooms host temporary exhibitions during the year (for information refer to the single dedicated events).

The works by the artist Giovanni Migliara (1785-1837) that illustrate the different themes he dealt with during his career and give visitors the opportunity to grasp the typicality of nineteenth-century painting of ‘vedute’ and landscape, are not currently on show to the public.

From 6 June to 15 September 2024 the Art Rooms will host the photography exhibition "Gianni Berengo Gardin. Cose mai viste", curated by Giovanna Calvenzi and Susanna Berengo Gardin; open from Thursday to Sunday from 3 pm to 7 pm (check opening times on public holidays).


The Art Rooms are open from Thursday to Sunday from 3 pm to 7 pm.
Check opening times for the Feast of the Assumption (15 August 2024) closer to the date.

Ticket: full price € 5.00: reduced price €3.00 - from 12 to 18 years of age and over 65s, university students, groups (min. 12 people).
Free admission: journalists enrolled in the Order of Journalists, children up to 12 years of age, holders of a subscription to Torino Musei and holders of the Torino+Piemonte Card, Banca di Asti Museum Voucher, disabled people and their assistants, group leaders and teachers who accompany the classes for workshops.

Information and contacts
via Machiavelli 13 - Alessandria
