
Photography exhibition "Qui ed ora: i colori delle emozioni"


Photography exhibition "Qui ed ora: i colori delle emozioni"


Transmit the essence of clinical art therapy, where the centrality of the look lies in the process and not in the product, where the treatment passes through the concrete gesture. This is the essential theme of the photography exhibition “Qui ed ora: I colori delle emozioni”. An event connected with the experience of the annual art therapy course for adults with a mental disorder, undergoing treatment at the CSM of Tortona. The annual project “Io creo”, held by Angela Cutugno, clinical art therapist, is supported by the Association “Il Bullone-Di.a.psi” of Tortona, with the contribution of Fondazione CR Tortona and Centro di Salute Mentale.
What does Clinical art therapy mean? What are its origins? Why is it considered a universal language? What does art have to do with treatment? What makes the connection between psychiatry and art therapy strong? These questions will be the focal point of a presentation to introduce the exhibition, curated by Angela Cutugno in association with S.C. Salute Mentale – Director Dr. Paolo Casamento, represented on this occasion by Dr. Paola Arzani – Psychiatrist CSM Tortona, Dr. Antonella Mombello – Head of Corporate professional social services ASLAL and Coordinator of Gruppo Riabilitativo Psicosociale and by Dr. Alessandra Lugli – Psychologist CMS Tortona and Head of Psychology ASL AL. The short debate will feature the precious participation of Margherita Gandini (Clinical Art therapist, Supervisor, Trainer and Educational Director of Lyceum Academy, Milan, from 2011 to 2022).

Inauguration Friday 26 January at 6 pm.
Opening times: from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm.

Information and contacts
via Ammiraglio Mirabello 1 Biblioteca Civica Tommaso De Ocheda - Tortona
Telephone: +39 348 693.1162