
Scarabocchio Festival


Scarabocchio Festival


An important moment of culture and socialisation, for young people, adults and families, will take place in Valenza on 6 and 7 December with the second edition of the SCARABOCCHIO Festival.
The first occured in December 2021 which was a great success with the public and an excellent reference, despite the moment was still uncertain and difficult due to COVID.
This year Teatrodistinto reproposes the initiative with enthusiasm and confidence, considering it important to build a rich and stimulating cultural context for the entire population. This is made possible by the precious collaboration of the Municipality of Valenza, by the support of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Alessandria and Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Torino who believed in the project once again.
Scarabocchio foresees the realisation of five shows, open to all.
It will start on 6 December at 6.30 pm at the Municipal Culture Centre with Kish Kush.
At 8.30 pm, always at the Municipal Culture Centre, La pecora nera.
On 7 December, lots of important appointments, all at the Teatro Sociale of Valenza, which we thank for its collaboration.
Scarabocchio closes with a repeat of the Kish Kush show which will be held on the stage of the Teatro Sociale on 7 December at 5.30 pm.
The participation of the public in all the shows is totally free of charge and there are also some scheduled moments of dialogue with the actors and the director after the viewing of each performance.
Thanks to the Director Carandini, the Director Grenna and to the enthusiasm and collaboration of the teachers, the primary and lower secondary schools attended in large numbers and the shows will be seen during school hours by hundreds of local children.
SCARABOCCHIO also includes the participation, as public, of numerous artistic directors of international festivals, invited and hosted by Teatrodistinto, from different foreign countries namely Germany, Denmark, France, Ireland, United Kingdom and from different provinces in Italy. These guests will watch the shows, get to know the town of Valenza and several places of great cultural value, such as the Oratory of San Bartolomeo, and to discover the peculiarities of the town through discussion and dialogue with residents and institutions.
SCARABOCCHIO is an ambitious project conceived by Teatrodistinto, under the attentive artistic direction of its founder and president Daniel Gol, who aims at creating opportunities for cultural meeting for all citizens, with special focus on attention to the young people, but also wants to give life to wide-ranging cultural and artistic exchanges, giving breath to the territory. This is why the works proposed, conceived and directed by Gol, see actors of different origins and backgrounds on stage, bringing their creativity and professionalism to the shows.
The shows proposed are suitable for children and young people, but also adults. The language used which gives great importance to images and atmospheres, lends itself to different levels of interpretation and speaks to each spectator making them active and participative, in a light-hearted but meaningful way.
The works deal with important and significant themes for all ages, the meeting with diversity with its critical issues and richness, the difficulty of growing up and tackling personal fears and fragilities, the need to accept oneself for what one is, the fear of losing and competing, the exchange with the other and the discovery of one's own affectivity.

Teatrodistinto has been working on training and theatrical production for a young audience and for families since 2003, realising workshops in schools, in centres for the disabled and in theatres, experimenting creative projects.

It also produces shows which have been programmed all over Europe for fifteen years, participating in festivals in France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Spain, Poland and worldwide, from Iran to Israel, USA, Japan, China, Korea and Canada.

For more information consult the files attached or see the contacts below.

Information and contacts
Telephone: +39 335 824.6808
