
Presentation of the novel "Il Segreto dell'Aurora" by Alessandra Villasco Damiani


Presentation of the novel "Il Segreto dell'Aurora" by Alessandra Villasco Damiani


The author Alessandra Villasco Damiani will present her new novel entitled “Il segreto dell’aurora”, published by Sperling & Kupfer.
The moderator of the evening will be Eleonora Poggio.

The novel, published last June, presents a story which ventures into a vast range of feelings, starting from the banks of the Lake of Lugano to move into Sofia’s past, the forty-year-old protagonist of the novel. With her new work, the author broadens the horizon to introduce the importance of memories buried in the past through an intense and emotional interior journey. Furthermore, she involves readers with the power of friendship, telling the protagonist’s story that broadens to a female microcosm and investigates the depths of feelings and of crucial themes such as loyalty, maternity, detachment, and illness of a group of women, friends and accomplices.

Ore 21.00

Information and contacts
piazza XXXI Martiri 1 - Piazzetta del Centro Comunale di Cultura - Valenza
Telephone: +39 0131 949.286