
Christmas workshop -Tree decorating in piazza - Armanàch 2024


Christmas workshop -Tree decorating in piazza - Armanàch 2024


The G. Spina Municipal Library of Treville, sponsored by the Municipality, has officially opened the Christmas initiatives with a beautiful decoration workshop for children held by Anna La Scultrice, the artist from Monferrato who creates refined objects using local stone 'pietra da cantoni'. On Sunday 26 November, in the lovely setting of the Town Hall of Casa Devasini, fifteen children worked under the guidance of Anna and with the help of volunteers of the library of Treville to paint the items made with the stone and transform them into original decorations to hang on the Christmas tree. The work of painting was inspired by the animals of the forest whose presence on the decorated fir trees has always been one of the cutest and best-loved traditions by the children: foxes, owls, birds, rabbits, hedgehogs, but also boars and lost donkeys captured the most sparkling and lively colours showing that the children's imagination always gives life to amazing results. The source of inspiration of this workshop comes from the reading of a winter fairy tale which tells how the animals of the forest know how to work together to help each other especially during the harshest and difficult months of the year. And as the colour on the items painted by the children dried, the younger ones let themselves be carried away by the reading of a series of other fairy tales offered by the library volunteers: snow, Christmas desires, gingerbread men, kind elderly people who turn into Santa Claus to help a poor child. The magic of the story never ages and, at the end of the afternoon, all the children brought home the items of Anna decorated directly by the children’s imagination.

Sunday 3 December from 3 pm the Circolo Treville Aps, with the sponsorship of the Municipality of Treville and the collaboration of the G. Spina Municipal Library, organises "Treville for Christmas". Santa Claus and his Elves will make all the participants enjoy the Christmas atmosphere with the Decoration of the Christmas Tree and Nativity Scene in piazza Surbone. Here, after the reading of a Christmas fairy tale the children will be involved in a series of fun games in the square with prizes. Everyone can then taste the typical products presented by the local producers in the Dehor delle Rose, while in the Town Hall the nativity scene of fellow townsman Andrea Gandini will be set up and surrounded by the stalls of artisan products. The Library of Treville will present Libri in Bancarella (the double books present in the library will be made available to gather donations for the purchase of new children’s books) and Angolo delle Favole where the children can rest after the games in the square and listen to the reading of a lovely Christmas story. Circolo Treville Aps will provide hot chocolate, mulled wine and sweets. Panettone and pandoro will be offered by the Municipality of Treville. The recommendation to all children is not to forget to bring their letter for Santa Claus to Treville which can be delivered directly to Santa Claus.

Thursday 8 December at 4 pm G. Spina Municipal Library, with the sponsorship of the Municipality of Treville, presents L'Armanach ad Tarvilla 2024, the precious calendar which is enriched this year by the research conducted by the young readers of the library inspired by the street games of the past. This project goes back to last May when the Municipality joined a regional initiative inspired by open air games. Thanks to the cooperation with the teacher Mauro Bardella, the Spina Library has chosen to organize the activities for the children bringing back the games which were once played on the streets and squares of our villages, in total freedom. Hopscotch, prison ball and dodgeball, leapfrog, peashooter, marbles, picture cards, blindman’s buff, the four corners, the cork race, cops and robbers, hide and seek, tip-cat and the 5 kernels are the beautiful games which will illustrate the calendar following the success of the May initiative which brought so many children to Treville. The research which is published on the calendar was carried out by Agnese Torre, Pietro Piccolella, Andrea Soldera, Giacomo Capra, Jacopo Costa, Sofia Pagliano, Matilde Leporati, Camilla Leporati, Gloria Capra, Carola Costa, Giole Meni, Razvan Iosub. The presentation of the calendar could not fail to see the participation of the teacher Mauro Bardella and his group who put so much passion into this project. The afternoon will see the prize-giving ceremony for the winners of the Stories Competition "La Magia del Natale" for children between the ages of 7 and 13. The participation in this competition launched by the Library of Treville was very high and of great quality: 170 works arrived to the library. Many children took part independently and many did so through schools which promoted the project for which the organisers are very pleased: The Primary and Lower Secondary School of Ozzano, the Lower Secondary School of San Martino of Rosignano, the Primary School of San Giorgio, the Primary schools of Valmacca, the Lower Secondary School of Ticineto and Pontestura. The winners of the sections A - B- C will receive awards in books and diplomas from the director of the Library Paolo Testa. But the prize-giving events don’t stop here: the 8 December each year is always the opportunity to award the winners of the points Competition "Treville e Sei Libri" designed by the library to stimulate reading among children through book loaning: each book read corresponds to a sticker placed on the card. All the children who have completed 1 card will receive a board game from the mayor Nadia DeGiovanni and the Super Reader of the Library of Treville 2023 will be chosen (the person who has completed more points cards) among all the young readers. In short, a rich programme which is hoped will see the participation of many friends of Treville and elsewhere who will want to pick up a copy of the new Armanàch and celebrate our children with us.

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