
Il bambino della Cittadella - canzoni e racconti alessandrini


Il bambino della Cittadella - canzoni e racconti alessandrini



For the Feast of the Epiphany, the municipal Event’s office has promoted the concert “EPIFANIA DI NOTE!” Sunday 6 January from 5 pm - free entry until full capacity is reached - Auditorium Pittaluga of the Vivaldi Music Conservatory of Alessandria. The concert is subtitled “…. Tutto nel mondo è burla..” - which leaves no room for misunderstanding to offer a moment of serenity and a prospective view steeped in wit, irony and that (responsible) “lightness” necessary for a positive start to the New Year. Protagonists and performers of the interesting concert will be Linda Campanella (Soprano), Matteo Peirone (brilliant baritone) accompanied by the Chamber musicians of the Classical Orchestra of Alessandria.

Ore 21.30.
Ingresso libero fino ad esaurimento posti.

Information and contacts
via Parma 1 Palazzo Cuttica - Cortile - Alessandria