
Enrico Colombotto Rosso. Allure d’art


Enrico Colombotto Rosso. Allure d’art


Enrico Colombotto Rosso. Allure d’art is the title of the exhibition dedicated to the Maestro from Monferrato which will inaugurated on 9 June and open to the public until 30 July 2023 in Salone Marcescalchi of the Castle of Casale Monferrato.
The event, curated by the art critic Giorgia Cassini, is the result of the collaboration between Fondazione Enrico Colombotto Rosso and the Municipality of Casale Monferrato and intends to celebrate the cultural and artistic career of the artist ten years after his death. Enrico Colombotto Rosso was one of the protagonists of the late 20th century with his artistic production that brought him international fame and this exhibition
will put on display a body of works painted with oil, tempera and Indian ink, as well as assemblies and photographs.
A representative exhibition which develops as a reconstruction of Colombotto’s artistic journey; an exhibition-event whose different fantastic and imaginative components integrate
with each other and contribute to defining several significant aesthetic results of the Maestro.
"This homage to Maestro Enrico Colombotto Rosso – clarifies Gaetano Giacomelli,
President of Fondazione Enrico Colombotto Rosso – is a new element of the homonymous Foundation which wants to excite visitors through the rich surrealist world scoured by the artist, known both nationally and internationally. An artist of great creativity and expressive ability who cultivated interior research and succeeded through
images with strong chromatic contrasts to grasp the deepest emotions of man. The trait that dominates his canvases and graphic designs indicate a strong personality free
of schemes arousing contrasting feelings in those who observe
his works”.
“In this retrospective, curated on the tenth anniversary of his death and titled Enrico Colombotto Rosso: Allure d’art – comments the curator Giorgia Cassini – I purposely intended to put the focus on Colombotto motifs which are little known, if not unpublished, of this undisputed genius of art, renewer of painting,
anti-conformist, rebel. He is known
to the wider public for proposing beauty contaminated by illness or deformed in his canvases.



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from the passing of the centuries and enlivened by a yearning for death or by corrosion
capable of enhancing the iconography of a sinister nobility; the works presented in this
commemorative exhibition, as imaginative as they are marvellous appear less investigated
at an iconological level. Significantly in this exhibition I have focused on a selection of paintings
and photographs in which the artistic story of the great Maestro follows the human one,
namely where it is possible to interpret all his passions with a much more dialectal distance
towards his life and his art to highlight all his complex personality. The exhibition is worth visiting,
also for its magnificent setting: Salone Marescalchi of the Castle of Casale Monferrato,
where the large size and striking height of the ceiling allows to fully admire the wide-ranging
works exhibited to the public for the first time. The exhibition is the first consecration
in an Italian institutional exhibition complex organised in honour of the artist with a themed criterion,
not chronological, which primarily highlights the man, his world and above all his dandyism to
be interpreted in the ostentation of an elegance characterised by individualism and by ironic detachment from mediocre reality”.
"A prominent figure of the cultural panorama who had contacts with the world
of arts,
understood in a vast and comprehensive sense, globally. – The Councillor for Culture
Gigliola Fracchia underlines – after exhibiting his works internationally, Enrico Colombotto Rosso
decided to renew and tighten his bond with his Monferrato and, our city, which is its Capital,
can only enthusiastically welcome his works in the Castle, the cultural centre of the entire territory”.
The Mayor, Federico Riboldi, concludes: “The strategic direction of the Administration
has focused its attention on cultural policies as a tool to develop the territory economically and
socially; a journey which continues with the exhibition dedicated to Enrico Colombotto Rosso to enhance a local artist who had an international momentum of absolute importance.
Today, Casale Monferrato is a city with a solid historic, cultural and tourist identity and sites such as the Castle of the Paleologi, with its events, are elements of a qualitatively high offer and increasingly recognised, also by foreign tourists”.

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Casale Monferrato