
Documentary exhibition "9-10 Maggio 1974. La rivolta nel carcere di Alessandria"


Documentary exhibition "9-10 Maggio 1974. La rivolta nel carcere di Alessandria"


To coincide with the Conference scheduled in the city for 9 May 2024 (refer to the information on the dedicated event), a documentary exhibition will be open to the public from 4 May (inauguration at 5 pm) with a first captioned historical reconstruction of the event.

The exhibition, fruit of the cooperation between the Municipality of Alessandria, Institute for the history of the resistance and contemporary society in the province of Alessandria "Carlo Gilardenghi" and C.I.S.S.A.C.A., intends to propose a critical review of the facts half a century after their occurrence in a historical dimension, a contextualization of the event within the scope of the political and social dynamics in those months.

A reconstruction which is based on an important amount of archive material partially retrieved in the archival collections of ISRAL and other research institutes, as well as on the reinterpretation and the recovery of pages of newspapers, daily newspapers and periodicals, national and local press on the days of the event, in the weeks and months that followed.

The exhibition also tackles the effects in the local political debate and subsequent judicial developments which ended with a trial res iudicata that condemned the prisoner who survived the escape attempt, but was unable to make anything emerge on the objective responsibility of the tragedy which appeared to be rather evident at the time.

The exhibition, which develops over 16 panels, may also be made available to those who request it and presented in more venues.

The exhibition is held in the Guasco Gallery in via del Guasco, 49 - Alessandria and will be open from Monday to Friday from 9 am to noon - 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm with the possibility to book guided tours by writing to the address: or by phoning: 0131- 443861.

It will remain open until 25 May.

For more information and insights visit the website:

Information and contacts
via dei Guasco 49 Galleria Guasco - Alessandria