
A magical summer in Val Borbera - appointments for 2023


A magical summer in Val Borbera - appointments for 2023



-13/05 Borghetto Borbera-Musical "Beauty and the Beast"

-14/05 Cantalupo Ligure - the Castle of Stone 17 km ultra trail race

-20/05 Magioncalda (Carrega Ligure)- "terra, grano, acqua" European historic mill day.
Visit the mill, grinding of wheat, bread making workshop, lunch, hike, bike, concert, visit to the Historic Chestnut grove.

-20/05 Week-end Paradiso Val Borbera.

-28/05 Albera Ligure- Gathering of period cars, ravioli and market.


-9-11/06 La lunga notte delle chiese- Paired musical and culinary events, special offers for stays in accommodation facilities and hotels of the Valley with dedicated credential issued in the visited churches.

-10/06 Borghetto Borbera- Conference on the black truffle in Restaurant Il Fiorile

-10/06 Torre Ratti (Borghetto Borbera) Concert in association with the "Spinarosa" botanic garden

-10/06 Cartasegna (Carrega Ligure) - "Il paese raccontato". A day to discover Cartasegna and its inhabitants.

-11/06 Cosola (Cabella Ligure) - Feast of St. Anthony

-18/06 Grondona- Football tournament on grass "Memorial Jacopo Ponzano"

-18/06 Vendersi (Albera Ligure)- Inauguration of the library 4 pm at the rectory

-20/06 Capanne di Carrega- Irish music day.

-23/06 Cabella Ligure- The night of the witches: apericena, music and attractions from 8 pm.

-24/06 Mongiardino Ligure- Feast of St. John the Baptist: procession of Christs.

-24/06 Albera Ligure- Feast of St. John the Baptist: ravioli, music and craft beer.

-25/06 Torre Ratti ( Borghetto Borbera)- Concert in association with the "Spinarosa" botanic garden.


-1/07 Cabella Ligure - Early summer ravioli: Dinner and music

-1-2/07 Persi (Borghetto Borbera)- Florentine steak Festival

-1-2/07 Figino (Albera Ligure) - Boscardà festival in Cascina Barban

-7/07 Magioncalda(Carrega Ligure)-Harvest festival

-8/07 Torre Ratti ( Borghetto Borbera)- Theatre performance " Compagnia dei Barchi"

-8/07 Borassi (Roccaforte Ligure)- Feast in the wood Dinner and dj set.

-9/07 Cosola (Cabella Ligure) - Feast of Bread, bread making workshops.

-14/07 Cantalupo Ligure - Notes under the stars

-14/07 Cabella Ligure - Living in Cabella- Vilamba in concert 9 pm

-15/07 Cabella Ligure - Dialect Theatre performance 9 pm

-16/07 Cantalupo Ligure - Patron feast day: procession, lottery, markets, musical evening.

-22/07 Rocchetta Ligure- Timorasso night

-22/07 Cabella/ Albera / Rocchetta /cantalupo - Val Borbera makes your heart beat: day dedicated to prevention from 9 am

-22/07 Grondona - "La notte nel bosco" event for adults and children in the wood, to reach on foot, without being able to reveal anything.

22-23/07 Area Prato Pussai (Carrega Ligure)- Appenino Futuro Remoto Festival

28/07 Torre Ratti- Group of Popular Genoese Song 9 pm

29/07 Cosola (Cabella Ligure)- Farmyard Festival - from 10 am Dances and Fife Music in the farmyards of the village.

29/07 Rocchetta Ligure - Evening with comedian 9 pm


4/08 Cabella Ligure- Organ concert of Leisbert Antonio Moreno Guillen

5/08 Cabella Ligure- Journey in the singer-songwriter song 9 pm

6/08 Cantalupo Ligure- D.O.C in concert for A.I.L

9/08 Cosola (Cabella Ligure)- Polenta in Pugraia Pic Nic in the wood from 12 pm

9/08 Cabella Ligure - Fried Dumpling festival from 7 pm

10/08 Cabella Ligure- Feast of san Lorenzo: dinner by starlight from 7 pm, Piazza della Vittoria.

11/08 Roccaforte Ligure- feast of St. fermo and San fermo by night:
Fair and barbecue from 8 am in the daffodil wood in the hamlet of Le Moglie.

11/08 Cabella Ligure- evening with fifes 9 pm

12/08 Cabella Ligure- choir concert Upper Val Borbera 9 pm

13/08 Cabella Ligure- Beer feast from 8 pm

14/08 Cabella Ligure- Summer of Love- Vilamba in concert 9 pm

15/08 Cabella Ligure- Bingo in Piazza della Vittoria from 5 pm

15/08 Borassi ( Roccaforte Ligure)- Feast of Ferragosto: apericena with music at Rovere di Borassi 8.30 pm

16/08 Torre Ratti (Borghetto di Borbera)- Umberto Ferrarazzo in concert

19/08 Mongiardino Ligure - Mangiamongia tasting route

19/08 Teo (Cabella Ligure)- Concert Awaiting San Bernardo 9 pm

20/08 Albera Ligure- Feast at the mill of Santamaria: gourmet focaccia, historical conference on water powered mills in Piedmont and Valle Scrivia, Photography Exhibition and Market 8 pm music with dj set.

20-21/08 Connio (Carrega Ligure)-Fighters Festival

25-26/08 Cabella Ligure- Carlo Repetti Festival with inauguration of the Document Centre and permanent Exhibition on Emigration from Val Borbera.

25-27/08 Grondona- Goat and fritter festival


2/09 Carrega- travelling Dance show with the fifes of 4 Provincie 9 pm

3/09 Cosola (Cabella Ligure)- End of summer party

9/09 Grondona- "E ciao Estate" Intriguing dinner

10/09 Rocchetta Ligure -Feast of the fagiolane beans 50th anniversary.

16/09 Capanne di Carrega- Folk music day

17/09 Torre Ratti (Borghetto Borbera) - trades and artisans Fair

23/09 Capanne di Carrega -" Suoni di Passi in Appenino" botanic outing, lunch, Concert and dance from 10 am at agriturismo Appennino Futuro Remoto.

24/09 Cantalupo Ligure- La Monferraglia

24/09 Cabella Ligure- Chickpea lunch from 12 pm in Piazza della Vittoria


8/10 Cantalupo Ligure- Meat feast on grass: Lunch, field games, Music and Markets.

8/10 Grondona- “Mushroom and chestnut festival” walk with breakfast among the ancient Abèghi (chestnut drying facilities) in the wood, lunch in piazza, roast chestnuts and stalls.

8/10 Cosola (Cabella Ligure) - Chestnut and Wine event

14/10 Capanne di Cosola (Cabella Ligure)- Curmá dei Pinfri- Restaurant da Fausto

15/10 Cabella Ligure- Autumn feast

21/10 Cantalupo Ligure- Oktoberborbefest: beer feast apericena 8 pm

31/10 Cantalupo Ligure- Halloween: Treasure hunt in the village feast for adults and children

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