
2023/2024 Theatre Season: "Vicini di casa"


"Vicini di casa" is the name of the show that will be staged at the Municipal Theatre in place of "La Divina Sarah" cancelled due to organisational reasons by the distribution
A comedy, starring Amanda Sandrelli, Gigio Alberti, Alessandra Acciai, Alberto Giusta, which amusingly and light-heartedly investigates inhibitions and hypocrisies of our time: the repeats of this play,
based on "Los vecinos de arriba" by Cesc Gay, translated and adapted by PIno Tierno directed by Antonio Zavatteri, will be held on Tuesday 9 and Wednesday 10 April 2024.
Subscribers and those who have already purchased the tickets for the show "La Divina Sarah" have been contacted directly via mail by the staff of the Municipal Theatre for the replacement.
For more information and to purchase the tickets online access the portal or contact the stores of the Vivaticket circuit.


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Casale Monferrato

View all events Stagione Teatrale 2023-2024 al Teatro Municipale di Casale Monferrato