
Biblioteca delle Ragazze e dei Ragazzi: le attività di aprile


Biblioteca delle Ragazze e dei Ragazzi: le attività di aprile


April is set to be another month full of activities for young readers at the Youth Library of Casale Monferrato.

On Thursday 4 April and Tuesday 23 April, "Nati per leggere con i raccontastorie" returns with "Benvenuti dalle storie", always at 5 pm.

On Monday 8 April at 5 pm, to mark the exhibition "Washi-Ningyo. Le bambole di carta nella tradizione giapponese" /paper dolls in the Japanese tradition, open in the former Chapel of the Castle of Monferrato until 14 April, an educational workshop to create the rare paper dolls washi-ningyo with the maestro Akio Maruyama and the Yamato Association of Casale Monferrato. Two sessions are scheduled: one for children from 4 to 8 years of age and one for children from 9 years of age. Booking is compulsory.

From 9 to 24 April for Liberation Day, together with the Historical Educational Exhibition "Dalla Resistenza alla Costituzione" located in the Tower of the Castle, the loan books dedicated to the 25 April will be on display with "Viva la memoria!"

On Tuesday 16 April at 5 pm, the horticultural workshops curated by Prof. Giovanni Ganora are back with "I cereali, alleati fortissimi", a meeting useful to become familiar with healthy grains: the origin, the source, the virtues and the benefits. The meeting will provide information on the plants and curiosities, with a final practical application.

On Thursday 18 April at 5 pm, always at the "Luzzati" Library, the meeting "Spazio creatività", curated by the Library, with "La natura si risveglia" during which participants can discover the beauty of animals and nature which is reawakened by carrying out creative manual activities.

On Saturday 20 April at 11 am, "Le musichestagioni", musical workshop with Giulia Motta of the Accademia Europea d'Arte Le Muse who will accompany the participants from 3 years of age to 7 years of age on a journey to experiment different types of melodic, rhythmic and musical melodies to celebrate spring with lightheartedness and fun.

"Favoleggiando, girovagando" continues an intense program of visits and workshops in the Youth Library with the local schools and with the itinerant readings in the institutes of the Library system of Monferrato. From 3 to 23 April, the nursery schools of Casale Monferrato "Martiri" and "Verdeblu", the primary schools "S. Paolo" and "Sacro Cuore", as well as the lower secondary school "Leardi" will be the guests of the library. Other guests will be the primary schools of Terruggia and Quattordio.

At the same time, the route will continue with the itinerant readings at the nursery schools of Casale Monferrato "Verdeblu", "Luzzati" and Venesio, as well as the nursery school of Balzola.

All the events will be free of charge. The materials required for the workshops will be provided by the library. To take part in the initiatives it is compulsory to book at the address or phone 0142-444302 / 444308.

Information and contacts
Casale Monferrato