
"MI FIDO" - Diciotto grandi illustratori per il Canile Sanitario Comunale


"MI FIDO" - Diciotto grandi illustratori per il Canile Sanitario Comunale


On Saturday 11 May at 3.30 pm, inauguration of the second edition of the exhibition "Mi fido. Esposizione di ritratti fatti da cani", from an idea of the artist Riccardo Guasco from Alessandria and of the volunteers of the Associazione Tutela Animali (ATA).
The exhibition, hosted by the Municipal Dog's Home, will also be OPEN TO VISITORS ON 12, 18, 19 MAY from 11 am to 5 pm.

"L'arte bussa al cancello" continues: the guests of the dog's home and the cat's home became models for a day posing for eighteen great illustrators who worked
for free.
A further way to raise awareness of these four-legged friends who deserve attention and are waiting to be adopted to enjoy a new life and bring happiness to the family who will be lucky enough to adopt them.

All the works on show will be on sale and the proceeds will go to the Associazione Tutela Animali.

Information and contacts
Biblioteca Civica “Francesca Calvo” - Alessandria
